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Neopost DS-64i high capacity Folder Inserter with 2 feeder (Stations) Suit for Monthly volume over 5,000 - 15,000 pcs)
市場參考價: $155,000
付款方式: 接受政府P-card,學校和NGO等機構免批核即享有30天數期。
歡迎公司客戶申請數期付款方便長期合作 (需批核)。
Product highlight 產品簡介
- 7" Color Graphical touch screen.
- Two Input Paper Feeder (Stations) included - 325 sheets/feeder, or up to 650 sheets using 2 feeders in cascading mode. 
- Input:  Envelop feeder capacity up to 150 Envelope
- Output: Envelopes Catch tray Up to 100 envelopes 
- Automatically collate, fold, insert, seal, and count up to 2,000 mail pieces per hour.   
- Up to 15,000 finished envelopes per month standard or 20,000 with High Performance (option).
- Fold types: Letter, z-fold, single, double parallel, no fold
- Document Handling: Handles #10 and 6" x 9.5" envelopes
- Fold up to 5 pages if single folded, or 8 pages with High Performance (option)
購買建議:  入信機有一定的限制和要求,選購時請注意以下事項
1 如是月結單是2頁以上和不同頁數,建議月結單必須要有OMR/Barcode ,給入信機自動辨認頁數而入到同一個信封,才能有效使用
2 除非月結單每個batch 是全部一頁入一個信封或二頁入一個信封,就可以不需加 OMR mark 在月結單上
3 客戶現有信封必須符合摺信機的規格,如信封規格需較標準每邊 多2mm,封口必須是橫開和V 形的封口為佳,建議提供現有信封供先確定
3 因為摺信機的彈性不及人手摺高,如摺後地址未能在透明窗口正確顯示,客戶必須自行重印信封並改變透明窗口位置配合

- 7" Color Graphical touch screen.
- Two Input Paper Feeder (Stations) included - 325 sheets/feeder, or up to 650 sheets using 2 feeders in cascading mode. 
- Input:  Envelop feeder capacity up to 150 Envelope
- Output: Envelopes Catch tray Up to 100 envelopes 
- Automatically collate, fold, insert, seal, and count up to 2,000 mail pieces per hour.   
- Up to 15,000 finished envelopes per month standard or 20,000 with High Performance (option).
- 50 pcs Job memory 
- Fold types: Letter, z-fold, single, double parallel, no fold
- Document Handling: Handles #10 and 6" x 9.5" envelopes
- Fold up to 5 pages if single folded, or 8 pages with High Performance (option)
- Double document detection 
- System Dimensions: 49”L x 16.5”D x 36”H

**This machine is available as a 1 station, 1.5 station, 2 station, 2.5 station or 2.5 station with OMR feeder (Optical Mark Recognition - gives additional security, ideal for financial and confidential mail). 
- Optional for High-capacity vertical stacker (Output) up to 500 envelopes
- Short tray feeder capacity Up to 50 BRE/325 inserts 

購買建議:  入信機有一定的限制和要求,選購時請注意以下事項
1 如是月結單是2頁以上和不同頁數,建議月結單必須要有OMR/Barcode ,給入信機自動辨認頁數而入到同一個信封,才能有效使用
2 除非月結單每個batch 是全部一頁入一個信封或二頁入一個信封,就可以不需加 OMR mark 在月結單上
3 客戶現有信封必須符合摺信機的規格,如信封規格需較標準每邊 多2mm,封口必須是橫開和V 形的封口為佳,建議提供現有信封供先確定
3 因為摺信機的彈性不及人手摺高,如摺後地址未能在透明窗口正確顯示,客戶必須自行重印信封並改變透明窗口位置配合

貨期: 預訂產品,一般訂貨期需2-3月出貨
免運費: 商業區包運費、上門安裝和產品教授服務
每年續保計劃: 保養費約為每年機價的12% 定期為器材檢查、