維修專線: 2861 3823
專家解答: 3996 3333
Whatsapp: 9768 6181

WORLD TRADE is one of largest service provider in office Equipment and maintenance service since 1978. Why customers have been staying with us for years, our own service team are dedicated to install, fix & maintenance. We offer service agreements on a wide selection of our equipment to give you the peace of mind that your equipment will be taken care of if it needs service. It makes us difference with stationery shop. Below is our wide range of OA , AV, telecom products
Office equipment:                  Shredder, Fax Machine, Binder, Laminator, Time Stamp, Cheque Printer,                                                                Typewriter, Banknote Counting machine, paper drilling, folding machine and more
Audio-visual products:             Projector, projector screen, Conference Room System, Interactive whiteboard,                                                  audio system.
Telecom products:                    Headset, Telephone system, voice recording machine.

客戶為何選擇我們 ,我們和文具店的分別

四十年來一直是Admin 人員的長期工作伙伴,為客戶解決器材的保修事宜,優質服務深受客戶讚譽
  • 售前諮詢和產品示範,熟悉大部份器材的優劣,中肯持平的產品建議,協助客戶挑選合適而耐用的器材
  • 我們技術團隊的維修能力和團隊規模,同行之冠,技術員平均擁有超過20年的豐富經驗,每年的保養維修服務合同。並定期抹油檢驗和維護,增加設備的壽命,我們的理念是盡力延長機器壽命。為環境出一分力。
  • 技術全面, 精通不同種類的器材維修,客戶只需一個供應商,我們幾乎可照顧你所有的辦公室器材的維修保固事務,方便快捷。
不一樣的保用服務, 獨家的聯保計劃
  • 器材保用方面是聯保方法提供,我們為眾多牌子的認可維修商,有自家合資格和經驗的維修團隊,客人不需自已聯絡代理商,由我們提供特快上門維修服務,貼心和直接的售後服務,節省客戶時間和更安心,
  • 但保用期的零件索償: 我們會盡力向代理商申索,索償與否,會以不同代理商的保用條款和裁決為最後決定
  • 大部份產品即使代理是自攜回維修中心保用,我們會免費升級為上門維修服務
  • 為您提供穩妥的器材續保計劃,延長機器使用壽命,器材更耐用。

We also have a proven track record, currently working with Hong Kong Biggest names since 1978, satisfied customers included some of Government, Banking, Education & public listed company, as a service contract supplier in Hong Kong, below is the part of client reference.

Banking & finance:                 ICBC, CCB, CITIC Bank, Wing Lung Bank, HSBC, Public Bank, AIG, AIA, AON.                                                             AXA,ACE & QBE and more
Corporation:                             Cheung Kong Holding, Wharf Holding, Shun Tak holding, Henderson Real Estate,

Education:                                 HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY (Over 20 depts ) HKU, CUHK (over 30 depts),                                                    HKUST (Over 30 depts), , PolyU & Primary & secondary school(Over 50 units)
H.K. Government:                    Lands Dept., Police Force, Dept. of Judiciary, Dept. of Health, Custom dept. , Civil                                                Engineering dept. , Agriculture & Fisheries dept. Transport dept. , Leisure &                                                        culture dept., Education Bureau, Housing dept., Hospital Authority

客戶信賴,信心保證 - 42 年的信譽和經驗,優質可靠服務深受客戶認同,滿意的客戶包括香港政府(超過30個 部門) ,學界(7大學院和數百間中小學和幼稚園等)、各大銀行和三大保險公司,上市公司等大企業一直採用我們的產品和維修合約服務,以下是部份長期客戶供您參考:


政府部門:  衛生署,海關,入境處、警務署,土木工程署,地政署,運輸處,教育局,民政署,香港法院等等


教育機構:   香港大學、浸會大學,中文大學,科技大學,理工大學,數百間中小學校和幼稚園等

工商界:     長實集團,恆基地產,保華集團,世紀城市,信德集團,九龍倉,KPMG,德勤,Pricewaterhouse、洲際酒店等