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TimeMoto TM—818 MC
市場參考價: $5,698
現有可在我們 WT-eshop.com 網上落單,加附贈品。免運費,
方便快捷 多種付款方式: 信用卡,轉數快,銀行轉賬等,貨到付款(企業客戶),安心可靠
Product highlight 產品簡介
  • Experience security and convenience with the TM—818 MC. Thanks to the integrated HID, MIFARE and DESFire reader, users can easily and securely register their working hours. In addition, the TM—818 MC can also be used with an RFID Badge or personal PIN code. The TimeMoto TM—818 MC is suitable for up to 2,000 users and can store up to 100,000 time logs. Perfect for when you want to register and manage work time more efficiently.

儲存產品在我的清單 (Wish list),

TM—818 MC is perfect for bigger businesses with up to 2,000 employees. Whether you are working in manufacturing, hospitality or retail. TM—818 MC is all-industry-suited. The timeless and smooth design fits every business. The clockwork seamlessly blends into every working environment. The intuitive design assures easy clocking with extra security and convenience. Whether it is with an HID / MIFARE / DESFire Badge or the standard RFID Badges and PIN code. Empower your employees, with the 5 identification method choices. An open and transparent time tracking system leaves no room for unpleasant surprises.

HID is the US equivalent of the European MIFARE and DESFire. It is the number one choice in the US for secure door access, personal identification and cashless transitions. All accessible with one badge.

Extra convenient security with the MIFARE / DESFire Badges. Combine your door access cards with the clocking identification method. A security global standard. The encrypted technology and additional memory space result in extra security and hacking prevention. The TimeMoto TM—818 MC is compatible with all MIFARE and DESFire systems that operate on a 13.56 MHz frequency and use an ISO/IEC 14443A protocol including the following solutions:

MIFARE Classic 1 KB & 4 KB
MIFARE DESFire 2 KB, 4 KB & 8 KB
MIFARE Ultralight
Legic MIFARE Badges

Plug and play with an easy installation guide. 3-year warranty included. From German to Spanish. We support over 8 languages worldwide. And counting. With an online support centre full of documents, videos and product guides. Take back control.

Combine TM—818 MC with our TimeMoto Cloud for the ultimate time tracking solution. Cloud-based. TimeMoto Cloud allows you to see the data anywhere at any time. Updates on live punching and real-time data on employee location. Clear overview with in-app absence management. Simply drag and drop to fix schedules. Try TimeMoto Cloud for free with our 30-day Plus Plan trial. For full range access. Or register for our Free plan with limited but essential time tracking features.

這是入門級的驗鈔數鈔機,其功能是最基本的,港幣及人民幣只驗三種專業鑒偽技術: 紫外線 (UV),普通質素較差的假鈔是可以辨認到,如用普通彩色打印機打印的低質素假鈔,是可以分辨到的,但如果是普通質素的假鈔,已經製了水印(紫外線 UV) 的假鈔,就能騙過這些機種,
如2013 發現的中銀和HSBC的高質假金($1,000) 和 $500,就不能辨認,必須用3萬以上的驗鈔機並須更新了這些假鈔的數據的機款才能辨認。

  • 貨期 : 恆常A1存貨項目 ,市區約 1-3 天可交貨,新界區要 2-4 天,歡迎到陳列室購買 (請先查詢),如存貨剛售完而約需1-2天補貨,會通知客戶和安排最快的送貨日期
  • 免運費: 商業區包運費、不包上門安裝和產品教授服務
  • 保用選項: 為方便商業客戶,預設首年免費上門保用服務,如客戶需轉跟原廠為3年自攜到維修中心保用,請訂貨時通知