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TimeMoto RF-150 USB RFID reader
市場參考價: $398
現有可在我們 WT-eshop.com 網上落單,加附贈品。免運費,
方便快捷 多種付款方式: 信用卡,轉數快,銀行轉賬等,貨到付款(企業客戶),安心可靠
Product highlight 產品簡介
  • Portable. Compact. Fits easily on your desk, register an employee in minutes at your PC. Works smoothly with all our Time Clocks. Whether you have the TM—616 or TM—838 SC.

儲存產品在我的清單 (Wish list),

TimeMoto RF-150 portable USB RFID reader enables you to register a new RFID Badge or a new RFID Key fob right at your PC, rather than at your Time Clock. Just open your TimeMoto PC / PC Plus Software, register the new badge and assign it to the desired employee—all without leaving your desk. Within minutes, your employee can use their new RFID Badge or RFID Key fob to punch in and out at any Time Clock within your network, even at remote locations.

Get a USB reader for RFID Badges. It reads RFID Badges and Key fobs with 125 kHz frequency. A USB connection cable is included. The RF-150 has a small footprint, the exact dimensions are 6.4 by 11.5 by 1.7 cm, it weighs 117 gr and fits perfectly on your desk. It runs on Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11. The USB reader is compatible with PC / PC Plus Software. It is not compatible with the TimeMoto Cloud.

這是入門級的驗鈔數鈔機,其功能是最基本的,港幣及人民幣只驗三種專業鑒偽技術: 紫外線 (UV),普通質素較差的假鈔是可以辨認到,如用普通彩色打印機打印的低質素假鈔,是可以分辨到的,但如果是普通質素的假鈔,已經製了水印(紫外線 UV) 的假鈔,就能騙過這些機種,
如2013 發現的中銀和HSBC的高質假金($1,000) 和 $500,就不能辨認,必須用3萬以上的驗鈔機並須更新了這些假鈔的數據的機款才能辨認。

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    代理商一年保用期: 獨家聯保計劃,如代理條款是需自攜到維修中心,我們免費升級到特快上門保養,增值售後服務比原廠保用 “更快和貼心
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