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Bindomatic 5000 Professional Thermal Binding Machine 專業級熱熔釘裝機 (最強的黏貼力,安全絕不掉頁,保險業作保單用途)
市場參考價: $8,980
付款方式: 接受政府P-card,學校和NGO等機構免批核即享有30天數期。
歡迎公司客戶申請數期付款方便長期合作 (需批核)。
Product highlight 產品簡介
  • 最強的黏貼力,安全絕不掉頁,保險業作保單用途
  • 比鐵圈快數倍, 無需打孔無須裝釘
  • 可印製公司專用頁面和頁底,專用美觀
  • It can bind documents as thick as 2 inches (soft and hard covers) at a rate of up to 15 documents per minute
  • If you need to remove, replace or add sheets, simply re-heat the binding. 
  • Once a document is placed here, the binding plate reaches an optimal temperature to melt the glue strip in the cover, securely binding your pages.
  • An indicator light, activated by a Coverbind cover, shows when the heating surface is on.
    Timer indicates how long the document needs to stay on the binding plate.
儲存產品在我的清單 (Wish list),

1. First, you need to measure the cover width of your paper set. Place all of the
sheets in the cover size selector.
2. Next, take the set of paper and insert into the Bindomatic cover of
your choice. Be sure to align/jog all of the papers properly.
3. Bind one or several office document at a time, by placing them on the binders
heating plate.

4. The thermal binding machine will signal when the thermal binding process is complete.
Take away the bound documents from the heating plate. Place them in the cooling
rack to cool for ~2 minutes. After the cool-down, you may open the bound documents.

5. Done.

Pls call for further discount if you order more 


貨期: 熱賣產品,一般訂貨期需2-3天出貨,如供應商缺貨,會已電郵通知客戶。
免運費: 商業區包運費、上門安裝和產品教授服務
代理商一年保用期: 獨家聯保計劃,如代理條款是需自攜到維修中心,我們免費升級到特快上門保養,增值售後服務比原廠保用 “更快和貼心
每年續保計劃: 定期為器材檢查、清理和加油等服務,器材更耐用而小壞,節省時間和維修開支